JavaScript Trends in 2022

Top 3

It is necessary to study the leaders to know what to strive for. The Stack Overflow 2021 developer survey revealed the most popular web frameworks: React, Angular and Vue do not lose their positions. All of them are in the top five, and React wins with a result of 40%.

React gained its popularity thanks to the big brand name behind it. The framework was created in 2011 when Facebook developers needed a tool to keep user traffic going. The first version of React was FaxJS, and it left a lot at the time.

In 2013, React became an open-source project that continued to be maintained by Facebook. Since then, the framework has become the number one tool for developers around the world. Pinterest, WhatsApp, and Netflix have all benefited from using React.

The 2020 release was marked by a lack of new features in the framework. There were only a few updates that made it easier to embed React in another environment. In addition, an experimental Concurrent Mode has been introduced, which helps applications respond quickly and efficiently to adapt to the speed and performance of the device being used.

React Storefront is custom-built for eCommerce, including UI components and templates designed specifically for eCommerce. One of the most popular e-commerce platforms is Shopify which helps easy develop e-commerce solutions. In recent times, Shopify is gaining a lot of prominence and hence this is the right time to invest in this sector, and getting in touch with the right shopify development company should be on your mind to make your money, time, and efforts worth it.

Angular – is another big name in web development. It maintains its reputation as a high-performance, robust solution that offers a responsive user experience and maintains attractive visuals. The Angular Package Format is a structure and format specification that allows most third-party libraries to work seamlessly with the Angular framework.

Vue is another popular framework

Vue is known for its modular architecture, flexibility, detailed documentation, and a large community. Since leaders are always trendsetters, let’s take a look at the latest updates in Vue that will influence web development trends in 2022:

  • Enhanced performance. Achieved with a template compiler that has been designed and enhanced to render static content quickly.

–    Suitability for larger projects. Vue 3.0 made the framework attractive to large teams. Just improved readability.

  • Compatible with TypeScript.
  • A shift in architecture. The internal structure of Vue has been changed to a set of individual modules. The new architecture provides better support and allows end-users to cut execution time by up to half through tree shaking.
  • Create your user interface libraries. The defineCustomElement method allows users to create custom solutions based on Vue’s component APIs.

JavaScript vs. TypeScript

According to the study, TypeScript is the third most loved programming language and the second most in-demand. JavaScript is in the fifteenth and third positions, respectively.

TypeScript was introduced in 2012 as a web development tool aimed at extending the power of JS. TypeScript differs from JavaScript in its ability to statically assign types, support for full-fledged classes, similar to traditional object-oriented languages, and support for plugging in modules.

In general, TypeScript was designed to speed up development, make code easier to read, refactor and reuse code, help find bugs during development and compilation, and possibly speed up program execution. The reasons for the huge popularity of TypeScript are as follows:

  • Creation of complex types.
  • Timely error monitoring. This is possible due to the process of highlighting unusual behavior at compile time.
  • Practicality for complex solutions, compared to JS.
  • Compatible with most popular frameworks and libraries.
  • Short learning curve (if you are familiar with JS).

Node.js sets the tone

​​Node.js is an open-source software platform based on the V8 engine that translates JavaScript into native code, turning it from a highly specialized language into a general one. Thus, lightweight and flexible code allows you to create easily scalable applications.

In addition, the modular structure of the solution allows, carry out any modifications without radical changes in the system. This feature is especially useful for:

  • streaming media websites such as Netflix
  • applications such as LinkedIn, where short messages are processed quickly
  • microservices applications like PayPal.

Another argument for the continued popularity of Node.js in 2022 is the dedicated community that continues to create open-source tools used by programmers around the world.

Superb Svelte

Svelte is a front-end framework that appeared in 2016. It was originally written in JS. The turning point for the popularity of the framework came in 2019 when the TypeScript version was released. Since then, a large number of developers have become interested in the framework. A recent study confirms this fact: 71% of 1240 respondents love Svelte.

  • easy;
  • launches applications directly in browsers;
  • reactive due to component states;
  • has a simple and readable syntax.

Svelte still has a long way to go, but such a strong starting position indicates its prospects and popularity.

Overcoming the pandemic

A 2021 study shows people are returning to pre-pandemic levels. During the first outbreak, we were all at a loss, trying to balance our personal lives and work without losing productivity. According to the study, only about 11% of respondents plan to return to the office. The majority of respondents prefer to work partially or completely remotely. This means that we are used to the situation and know what its advantages are.

Sustainability can be achieved through automation. When repetitive tasks are automated, developers can dedicate themselves to more complex issues. UI frameworks and libraries are a valuable asset because they facilitate processes and provide turnkey solutions for some specific requirements. In this review, we have compiled a list of less popular, but very promising solutions for 2022.


The year 2021 has been challenging. The world is still fighting Covid-19 and dreaming of the old days. However, the person quickly adapts. We have learned to survive and even enjoy working from home.

JavaScript trends 2022 show that we are not going to a standstill. The development process continues, so be careful not to miss anything important.